Group Photo on a Wedding

One of the most important parts of a wedding is the group photo. It captures the bride and groom with their family and friends, as well as capturing everyone’s memories from that day.

It can be the most challenging to take as well as the photographer must be able to get everyone into position, and then make sure that they are all looking at the camera or smiling. The photographer must also consider where they are going to place people in the photo, so that they don’t have too many heads in one corner and not enough in another.

Wedding At Chateau De Lacoste

It’s not always easy for a photographer to get everyone together for a group photo, especially if there are children involved. They may not stay put or make it difficult for the photographer to get them into their desired pose.

One organiser

The first thing to do when organising a group photo is to find out who will help you. If you have a person who can manage all the guests, then you can be sure that you will get a great photo! It will be a good thought to pick up someone from the closest friends, as he will probably know all the guests by names. Don’t ask a few people to do this, as it may turn out to be chaotic.

Avoid multiple rows

French Wedding Photography

If possible, it’s best to get every member of the group on the same focal plane. If two rows are required, this is one of our best lunch tips – make sure row 2 gets uncomfortably close to row 1. The closer the subjects (from front to back) are, the easier it will be to get everyone in focus. The farther they are apart, the more difficult it will be.

Focus on people in front.

If you have two rows of people, make sure to focus on the person in the centre of the first row. This will give you the best quality of photo and also help you not to miss focus on the other people in the row or on the people that are behind.

Aperture is everything

One of the most important things to remember when photographing groups is to choose the right aperture for depth of field. The smaller the aperture, the less depth of field and vice versa. .In this photo, the depth of field is more shallow than usual. It is created by using a large aperture (f/5.6) and stopping down to a smaller aperture (f/22).

Make sure to take a few pictures

Wedding At Chateau De Robernier

Some people might think that taking a group photo is just a few seconds of work. But in reality, it takes a lot of time to get everyone in the perfect position, and then adjust the camera settings. The best practice shows that you have to make at least 20 pictures to get a good result. Imagine 40 people standing in front of your camera – some of the people can close their eyes, some can smile and some be angry. If you take more than one picture, then you can do photoshop work later.

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