Destination wedding Pros and Cons

Destination weddings are wedding ceremonies being held in a vacation location away from the couple’s hometown. Most of the time this type of wedding takes place in a foreign country and the beach is the popular choice for a destination wedding. But on the other hand, it does not have to be in a foreign country. You can do it within your country but in a place away from home and in a location special for the couple. Usually, it is something close to nature like in vineyards, national landmarks, mountain resorts and more.

Destination Wedding

This type of wedding is getting more popular for couples because of the many advantages it offers. But, there are also some drawbacks. To help you decide whether it is right for you or not, here are some of the destination weddings pros and cons from destination wedding photographer perspective.

Pros Of Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding

Picture Perfect

Most couples prefer a destination wedding because it does not make the ceremony memorable, the place is picture perfect as well. The location you choose for your wedding is usually the one that will enthrall you the most. As mentioned earlier, the beach is a popular location, because of its picturesque backdrop. No need for exaggerated decors, the view is enough to make the wedding meaningful, special and magical. Your photographer can capture every moment of the wedding beautifully suitable for the pages of a wedding magazine.

Small and Cozy

Not all of your friends and relatives may have the time and money to attend your wedding. Having a small number of guests can make the wedding intimate and cozy. With a destination wedding, it is easy to set up cozy spaces in the venue and focus on the details that will make your guests feel welcome and love. Most couples want this type of wedding. They are all after the solemnity of the ceremony.

Fewer Guests – Avoid Stressful Family Situations and Less Expensive

You only have a handful of friends and relatives that could attend the wedding. Since you will be having fewer guests, this will cost less than having it at home or locally with all your friends, relatives and neighbors. A destination wedding cost can be less expensive, but you need to include in your budget the travel expenses. This will be less stressful for you and your family as most of the time everything is included on the package – like the rooms for the couple and guests, decorations and others.

Inexpensive Packages

Destination weddings are less expensive as compared to local weddings. The couple will pay only for their resort stay and the wedding package which includes the design. The guests shoulder their fare going to the wedding venue. Some venue offers discounts and deals if they extend their stay and book a number of rooms and have their honeymoon at the same location.

Like Small Vacation

The wedding will be exclusive only to your selected friends and relatives so you can book the rooms for a couple of days. It will be an added bonus for your guests so they can relax and have fun before and after the wedding.

Cons Of Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding

Legal Difficulty

Since you will be getting married in a foreign country, it is important that you check first on how you could get a marriage and the documentation requirements to have a legal marriage. Laws concerning marriage may differ from one country to another, you would not want to find out later that your wedding is not legal.

People You Care About Might Not Make It

Some of the people important to you might not be able to attend your wedding due to various reasons.

Everybody Wants to Stay with You on Location

In case you will be honeymooning on the same location, you might not have time alone as most of your guest would want to stay longer on the location.

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